Logitech Signature M650 Mouse


Upgrade your setup for all-day comfort and productivity.

Upgrade to smarter scrolling, better comfort, and more productivity. The Signature M650 features SmartWheel scrolling that delivers precision or speed the moment you need it. A choice of sizes for smaller, larger and left hands means there's a perfect fit for anyone. Seamless wireless connectivity, silent clicks, customizable side buttons, and the contoured shape keep you comfortable and productive hour after hour.


Make scrolling work for you with Logitech SmartWheel. Get line-by-line precision when you need to focus on the details, and scroll super fast when you just want to breeze through lengthy pages. Automatically switch modes with the flick of your finger.

  • Bluetooth/Radio Frequency wireless connectivity helps reduce the clutter of wires around your Chromebook
  • Optical LED for smoother movement and hassle-free performance
  • Built-in scrolling wheel for fast page navigation and better control over browsers' tabs

SKU: ETD910006251